
Aaron Huckett, Digital Account Director

Pinterest announced the launch of a brand new feature yesterday, the How-to Pin. Based on the idea that 75% of it’s users say it is the best place to find new interests and 67% say it is the place they come to express creativity.

The How-to Pin allows you to explore a pin without having to leave the platform. When you next come across a project or idea on the platform, it will open up a snapshot of the steps to replicate right below the image. This update will also allow you to click on the image to get the full instructions and a list of supplies (interesting for brands) – again, without having to leave Pinterest. Clever move from the social network.

Currently, this feature is only available on Android and the Web in the UK, US, France and Germany. However, there is an iOS version in the pipeline. For brands, it appears only a select few are able to utilise this feature (for free).

If you are interested in hearing more about this feature, feel free to get in touch.