Welcome to this exciting journey of self-discovery through splashes of colour! Fun personality tests such as this one are not meant to be taken too seriously, but they can provide some intriguing insights into your personality traits and preferences. They’re a light-hearted way to explore different aspects of yourself, and the results might surprise you. So why not take a moment for yourself, get comfortable, and let’s dive right in!
the splash of colour test: In this particular personality test, you’ll be presented with three different images – each representing a splash of colour. Your task is simple: choose the image that resonates with you the most. It’s important to go with your gut feeling here, so try not to overthink it. Your choice might reveal whether your personality traits align more with a Sculptor, a Painter, or a Collage Maker. Ready to find out? Let’s get started!

Blue: the sculptor’s touch
If you chose image number one, your personality may align more closely with that of a Sculptor. Sculptors focus on building and shaping things with precision. They are meticulous by nature and take great pleasure in crafting and creating tangible objects with their hands. If this resonates with you, you might be someone who enjoys working with details and values precision in your work.
Sculptors also tend to be patient people – they understand that great things take time to build. This could indicate that you’re willing to invest time and energy into projects or relationships that matter to you. You could also be persistent in your pursuits, pushing towards your goals until they are achieved.
Red: the painter’s palette
If image number two was your choice, then your personality might echo traits of a Painter. Painters are known for creating vivid strokes of creativity and emotion. They’re expressive, imaginative and aren’t afraid to show their true colours. If this resonates with you, you might be someone who is in touch with their feelings and isn’t afraid to share them with others.
Painters also tend to be spontaneous and open-minded. They are comfortable with uncertainty and are often willing to take risks in the pursuit of their passion. If this sounds like you, then you might enjoy exploring new ideas and experiences, rarely sticking to the beaten path.
Green: the collage maker’s collection
If your choice was image number three, you might share personality traits with a Collage Maker. Collage makers put together pieces to form something unique – they see beauty in diversity and find joy in combining elements that might not traditionally fit together. If this resonates with you, then you could be someone who values uniqueness and individuality.
Collage makers also tend to be adaptable and flexible – they can work with what they’ve got and make something beautiful out of it. This might suggest that you’re good at thinking on your feet, solving problems creatively, and making the best out of any situation.
Thank you so much for participating in this fun exploration of personality through colour! Please remember that these categories are not definitive or all-encompassing – we each hold a unique palette of traits within us. So whether you align more closely with a Sculptor, a Painter or a Collage Maker, remember that your individuality is what truly makes you special.
If you enjoyed this splash of colour personality test, don’t forget to share it with your friends and loved ones – who knows what they might discover about themselves? Thanks for reading!