Welcome to the world of fun personality tests! These delightful little quizzes are a great way to gain some insight into your character. While they may not be scientifically accurate, they can still reveal some interesting things about our personalities. They can also be a fun way to start conversations and get to know others better.
Today, we’re going to take a look at a unique personality test that involves choosing from three different images of fruits: a kiwi, a pear, and a set of strawberries. All you have to do is look at the images and decide which one resonates most with you, without thinking too much about it. Your choice will reveal some traits linked to being Harmonious, Assertive or Considerate.

Fruit choice #1: the kiwi
If you chose the image of the kiwi, it suggests that you prioritize peace and smooth interactions in your life. Kiwi lovers are often harmonious individuals who value balance and tranquility. You’re likely someone who strives to maintain peace in your environment and avoid conflicts as much as possible.
Being harmonious means that you have a strong desire for order and calm in your life. You probably enjoy routines and familiar environments, and you tend to prefer quiet moments rather than loud and chaotic situations. Your friends likely appreciate your calming presence and your ability to soothe any tense situation.
Fruit choice #2: the pear
Choosing the pear suggests that you’re an assertive individual who’s not afraid to stand firm and make their voice heard. Assertive individuals like yourself have a clear understanding of their beliefs and values, and aren’t afraid to defend them.
You’re likely someone who is confident in expressing your thoughts and opinions, even if they might go against the majority. This doesn’t mean you’re aggressive or confrontational – instead, you have a healthy respect for yourself and your rights, and you expect others to respect them as well.
Fruit choice #3: the strawberries
If strawberries were your fruit of choice, this suggests that you’re a considerate individual who often thinks about how your actions can affect others. People who choose strawberries are typically thoughtful and kind, always considering the feelings of those around them before making decisions.
As a considerate person, you likely put a lot of effort into understanding others and showing empathy towards them. Your friends and family probably appreciate your kindness and the care that you put into maintaining your relationships with them.
thank you for reading
We hope you enjoyed this fun little personality test! Remember, while these tests might not be scientifically accurate, they can still provide some interesting insights into our characters. So don’t overthink it – just have fun!
If you enjoyed this test, please share it with your friends and family, and enjoy the conversations that it sparks. Until next time!